Bek's lab

"Sometimes it's best to get your walls knocked down, lose your most cherished constructs, and be fully swept away." --How to Live at the Beach, by Sandy Gingras

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Location: Kailua, HI, United States

I'm a stay-at-home momma to 2 little ones, military spouse, and distributor for Young Living, cooking up new DIY recipes for house and home.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Ok everyone...Tomorrow's the big day! We'll be leaving Texas in our rear view once and for all...for now at least ;) Who knows where we may end up someday. But, as my husband put it, "We're heading for the Sunshine State of Florida!" (He's a big goof)
We have about a 13 hour drive to start tomorrow. We're only planning on going about 8hrs tomorrow, though. Once we get there, we'll be staying with a friend until Friday, when we can move into our new, bigger place! We will finally have somewhere to bring all our wedding gifts home to, somewhere to put the spare bed, besides the "dining room" aka, the other end of the living room. We'll be able to both be in the kitchen at the same time and we won't have to store a pot on the stovetop. We, including the kitty, I'm sure, are really excited, too, for out little screened porch. We are moving into a very nice place. And we're moving close to more friends. They are excited for us to be there. I'm going to be back in the company of girlfriends! I've really missed them. 2 of my bridesmaids will be within 45 minutes of us. It's good timing too. I've had some trouble Christmas shopping for my hubby with so few friends around and only 1 car between us. We hang out together all the time! I do, however, now, have plenty of gift ideas.
Our parents are excited, also, for us to be closer to them. We will also be in the city my parents lived in when they first got married. I know my mom is looking forward to visiting us there. The mall she worked in is still there and kickin. It'll be fun sharing a new place with them.
I need to get some more work done before we head off to bed. But I don't really know how much access I'll have to computers in the next few weeks. Hopefully we'll make it to see our families (I can definitly write from there). My hubby knows how much I love Christmas and family and is afraid the navy is going to ruin my Christmas. I told my hubby, as long as I'm not alone and I am able to give to all those I wish to give to you can't ruin my Christmas. If I don't make it back I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy the ones you're with and thank the One who makes all things possible.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Our first Christmas

I LOVE Christmas. And I do mean that in every way. I love everything about it. It is my husbands and my first Chrismas as a married couple. So, when our orders finally came through to move, it was a bittersweet moment. We have been waiting to leave for months now. It is a great gift to have a date set. However, the report date is December 15. We are leaving Texas December 10. We are thrilled to be moving on. To have the ball rolling. To quit doing nothing useful. But, this does complicate our Christmas.

We will not have as much notice to request leave to go visit our families. But, as long as my hubby doesn't have watch, he doesn't technically have to take leave. Our families will now be close enough that we can just go for a few days.

We will not be able to decorate all out like I love to do. We can't get a big tree. We will be leaving here the 10th, we'll be homeless for about a week, then, we'll hopefully be leaving to go to see my family the next week. We had already bought a few ornaments and a little decor, so the other night we bought a little 24" tree and string of 35 lights and went at it. We did what my family always does. We put on a Chrismas CD, lit pine scented candles, strung the lights, tried to share our dozen ornaments or so, and tried to rig our little tree so it didn't topple over, all front heavy. After we were finished, we turned out all the lights, except for the tree and drank hot chocolate on the couch. It also happened to be the coldest day we've had. Sure, technically, the high was about 60, but that was at about 10am. Then, that front that's caused such problems throughout the country blew through here. It was in the high 30's without the 30ish mph winds. It really made it cozy. Our windows were even fogged up, and our giant kitty proceded to lick the condensation off. He acts like a poor deprived child when it comes to water. He can't get enough of it. I love my cat. He's so stinkin cute! If you can see this picture at the right angle, you can see the smudges on the window in front of him from his tounge and whiskers. He has also managed to turn the tree over already. He, like all kitties I've ever seen, loves Christmas decorations too. His first Christmas, he climbed the tree. All the way to the top, inside, close to the trunk. You could see him peeking out the top, right beneath the bow. It looked like a Christmas card. Of course, he also batts at ornaments and hides under the tree. But not at my house this year!

So, we may have a strange holiday season this year, but our first has already, and will continue to definitly be momorable!