Bek's lab

"Sometimes it's best to get your walls knocked down, lose your most cherished constructs, and be fully swept away." --How to Live at the Beach, by Sandy Gingras

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Location: Kailua, HI, United States

I'm a stay-at-home momma to 2 little ones, military spouse, and distributor for Young Living, cooking up new DIY recipes for house and home.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept 11, 6 years later

I know I owe a post on the 'rents visit, but I had to do this first. I found this link today and thought it summed things up nicely. I feel it's SO important to remember 9/11 and what has happened since then.

I also think it's crutial to recognize where we are now and analyze how much more safe we really are...or are not. Truth is, not a whole lot has changed on the security front. Truth is, as scary as it may be, we could go through this all again tomorrow. The government has shown they aren't either willing or maybe even able to protect us the way we need to be protected. The real changes in security are going to come from us. From our demanding changes. From our vigilance, like at Ft Dix or Circuit City. So inform yourself and your family. Keep your eyes and ears open. Don't be strapped by political correctness. Listen to your gut. And keep us all safer!